Strategic Events: An Oilfield Services Company Unveils a New Campus
A New Corporate Campus Inauguration

Copyright: Alex Millos
One of the world’s largest oilfield services companies relocated operations to a central corporate campus. While an exciting event, it also had been a complicated process. The company wanted to recognize and thank employees for their help during the transition, as well as to unveil the newly-consolidated campus. To show their appreciation and showcase the campus, a series of special events was planned to welcome employees who had been relocated to the campus, introduce the new facilities to employees’ families and company retirees and provide facility tours for customers and prospects.
A Week-long Celebration
To accommodate the different groups, a week-long series of events was planned, each tailored to the specific guests. Hundreds of employees were recruited to assist in the week-long celebration. Some served as tour guides, some gave technical presentations and others were assigned to accompany dignitaries and VIPs.
The first day was designated for employees and their families, followed by special events for retirees and for customers. The four-day celebration culminated with tours for attendees of the Offshore Technology Conference.
Setting the Bar for the Future
It was a smashing success! The events drew huge numbers of attendees. Employees’ families appreciated the opportunity to see where their family members worked; customers enjoyed the “up close” view of the facilities, oilfield tools and technology; and the sales team gained one-on-one time with customers and prospects.
The campus inauguration was the first time the company had hired outside PR counsel to assist in the strategic planning of an event. Based on the success of the events, the agency was retained to introduce the company’s new tool through a series of strategic special events in markets throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Chat with Ward today about the strategic special event you might be thinking of hosting. You can also check out some of the other strategic events for which Ward has caused results for clients in our Work Samples.
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