Ward to the Wise

Give Employees A Voice To Learn Their Communication Needs

Now What?

It’s time to dig in and identify what your employees’ communication needs really are. No doubt, you already have a list in mind, and you may be exactly on target. Or, maybe not. For any communication program to be successful we must not think we know, we must know. To know for certain, you must take a leap of faith and empower your employees to have a voice in the matter with an Employee Communication Survey. Similar to an Employee Satisfaction Survey, a Communication Survey allows employees the opportunity to provide feedback on how employee communication is viewed in the company as a whole. It allows the “patient” to inform the physician of how they feel about company communication, including where it hurts.

Why Is A Communication Survey Important?

A word of caution before you begin. Giving your employees a voice is powerful, and they will expect you to listen and deserve some action to follow. If as a company, you are not prepared to act on what the survey reveals, even if by taking baby steps, then the time may not be right for you to start this process. Failure to act on key findings, or simply giving lip service to action, will undermine employees’ trust in the company, and should you need their feedback again, they will be less inclined to participate.

If you are ready to empower your employees, give them a voice, listen and act on the results, contact Ward. Our internal communications team will help develop a structured employee communication survey to identify your company’s unique communication needs and opportunities to boost the results of the business.

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